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Status | klar til drift |
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directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) er en oversigt over open access tidsskrifter. Målgruppen kan tænkes at være forskere og studerende ved videregående uddannelser. Til brøndkilden udvælges poster på artikelniveau med online adgang til en fuldtekst version.
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id |
| 1f4e7993cd9447f4a0a6fb337fd0b5a1 | ac:identifier |
| 1f4e7993cd9447f4a0a6fb337fd0b5a1 |
| ac:source |
| Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) | tilføjes |
abstract |
| INTRODUCTION: This article reports the results and the lessons learned from implementing the decentralized approach to tuberculosis (TB) detection and treatment, embedded with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) co-infection in health district. The objective was to increase the TB screening indicators in the district using the common ways for offering care to patients in health district. METHODS: Conducted from August 2006 to July 2007, this large-scale intervention using Non-experimental study Designs has implemented a decentralized approach for fighting against TB in Orodara Health District (OHD), Burkina Faso. Pretest-posttest design has been used for quantitative part using indicators in one hand, and postests-only design for the qualitative part in other hand. In the pretest-posttest design, the TB indicators from years before 2006 (from 2002 to 2005) were used as earlier measurement observations allowing examining changes over time. ... | dcterms:abstract |
| INTRODUCTION: This article reports the results and the lessons learned from implementing the decentralized approach to tuberculosis (TB) detection and treatment, embedded with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) co-infection in health district. The objective was to increase the TB screening indicators in the district using the common ways for offering care to patients in health district. METHODS: Conducted from August 2006 to July 2007, this large-scale intervention using Non-experimental study Designs has implemented a decentralized approach for fighting against TB in Orodara Health District (OHD), Burkina Faso. Pretest-posttest design has been used for quantitative part using indicators in one hand, and postests-only design for the qualitative part in other hand. In the pretest-posttest design, the TB indicators from years before 2006 (from 2002 to 2005) were used as earlier measurement observations allowing examining changes over time. ... |
title |
| Tuberculosis in developing countries: conditions for successful use of a decentralized approach in a rural health district | dc:title |
| Tuberculosis in developing countries: conditions for successful use of a decentralized approach in a rural health district |
title |
| Tuberculosis in developing countries: conditions for successful use of a decentralized approach in a rural health district | dc:title | xsi:type="dkdcplus:full" | Tuberculosis in developing countries: conditions for successful use of a decentralized approach in a rural health district |
link | url | | dc:identifier | xsi:type="dcterms:URI" | |
journal | title | The Pan African Medical Journal | dcterms:isPartOf |
| The Pan African Medical Journal, vol. 17, nr. 198 | værdier fra journal title, volume og number samles i et isPartOf element, adskilt af komma. Værdi fra volume foranstilles vol.: ', mens værdi fra number foranstilles 'nr.: ' |
journal | volume | 17 |
journal | number | 198 |
journal | publisher | The Pan African Medical Journal | dc:publisher |
| The Pan African Medical Journal |
journal | language | EN | dc:language |
| Engelsk | Sprog er forbundet til tidsskriftet artiklen er udgivet I og ikke artiklen selv |
identifier | id | 1937-8688 | dcterms:isPartOf | xsi:type="dkdcplus:ISSN" | 1937-8688 | type = pissn |
| 1937-8688 | dc:identifier | xsi:type="dkdcplus:ISSN" | 1937-8688 |
identifier | id | 1937-8688 | dcterms:isPartOf | xsi:type="dkdcplus:ISSN" | 1937-8688 | type = eissn |
| 1937-8688 | dc:identifier | xsi:type="dkdcplus:ISSN" | 1937-8688 |
keywords |
| developing countries | dc:subject |
| developing countries | et subject element pr. keyword-string fra input |
year |
| 2014 | dc:date |
| 2014 |
author | name | Ziemlé Clément Méda | dc:creator | xsi:type="dkdcplus:aut" | Ziemlé Clément Méda | Der er ikke adskillelse mellem de forskellige forfatter, så de er alle 'creator' |
author | name | Ziemlé Clément Méda | dc:creator | xsi:type="oss:sort" | Clément Méda, Ziemlé | Der adskilles ved første mellemrum |
| dcterms:audience |
| voksenmaterialer | tilføjes til alle poster |
| dc:type | xsi:type="dkdcplus:BibDK-Type" | Artikel | tilføjes til alle poster |
subject | term | Medicine | dc:subject |
| Medicine | Der kan være flere subjects forbundet til en post. De mest brugte termer skal muligvis oversættes |
subject | term | Medicine | dc:subject | xsi:type="dkdcplus:DBCF" | Medicin | Oversat term med scheme |
end_page start_page |
| 310 284 | dcterms:extent |
| 26 sider | "end_page":"95" - |